Marijuanas Legalized Doctor

They are very professional for the doctor and staff and they are very willing to help you with all aspects of the medical card process I recommend the Lake Worth office, they were very, very professional! Some states try to avoid this by requiring referring physicians to have a bona fide clinical relationship with the patient requesting the referral [9, 14]. Of course, while protecting the legitimacy of the recommendation, this requirement can cause tension within the patient-physician relationship if the patient wants marijuana for medical purposes, but the physician will not recommend it, either for reasons related to its therapeutic potential, lack of control over the dose patients receive, or for general objections to its use [6]. In addition to the lack of efficacy data, some physicians are reluctant to recommend a drug whose form, content, dosage, and type cannot be specified, as would be the case with a typical drug prescription [14]. The amount of marijuana the patient can receive is limited by state laws [20]. The type of marijuana and the method of administration are determined by the recommendations of pharmacy staff [9]. In addition, the product, its cultivation and cultivation are largely unregulated and unstandardized due to its dual legal status. This can lead to security issues; There have been incidents of pesticides, moulds and other contaminants, the consumption of which could lead to serious health problems found on plants [21]. Rappold RS. Legalize medical marijuana, doctors say in a survey.

WebMD. 2 April 2014. Retrieved 29 May 2014. Although many patients seek access to marijuana for medical purposes, some doctors are reluctant to recommend it due to a lack of solid clinical data on its effectiveness in treating certain conditions [9]. The Schedule 1 designation of marijuana makes it difficult to conduct research because any cultivation, clinical trial, or research on marijuana must obtain extremely rare federal approval [17], and only one organization, the National Center for Natural Products Research at the University of Mississippi, is authorized by the federal government to produce marijuana [18]. This creates a vicious cycle: marijuana is listed in Schedule 1 and currently has no accepted medical uses in treatment because there is no data on its safety and efficacy; There is no data because marijuana is on List 1 and clinical trials are limited [19]. Almendrala A. This family had to fire their doctor to get medical marijuana for their son. Huffington Post.

March 25, 2014. Retrieved 2 June 2014. In addition, the FDA announced in June 2014 that it would begin reassessing marijuana`s Schedule 1 status [17]. This is good news for doctors concerned about the lack of data on marijuana. If its classification were lowered to Schedule 2, more studies on its effectiveness could be conducted and physicians would have a larger body of data on its potential uses and side effects to make judgments about its use [19]. As more states expand their laws, more patients use the drug, and more data becomes available, doctors become more confident about medical marijuana use. Our Florida state-certified doctors will determine if a medical marijuana card will best help you find relief. All physicians in our network are licensed in the states where they operate and understand this facility and if you bring your medical records, our doctors can offer you same-day approval so you can proceed with your medical marijuana card application immediately. Sherman A, Gillin J. Politifact Florida: Will doctors write prescriptions for medical marijuana if you have itchy back? Tampa Bay Times.

23 February 2014. Retrieved 2 July 2014. Dr. Lewis Auerbach in Tampa is a retired oncologist and, in my opinion, the perfect doctor, especially if you have cancer! I`m so glad I found him because he really cares about helping his patients! You will see the passion he has for his patients. In states where medical marijuana is legal but a majority of physicians are reluctant to write recommendations, an influx of “cannabis doctors” is often observed, reflecting a commercialization of medical marijuana recommendations [3]. These are doctors who primarily treat a variety of diseases for which marijuana is recommended, and they often advertise their businesses that focus on medical marijuana [3]. This is a concern for some in states whose medicalization movements were based on the belief that medical marijuana would only be available to a limited number of people with debilitating illnesses and would not facilitate recreational use of the drug [8, 12].

Proponents of medicalization argue that physicians often prescribe drugs for off-label purposes, so strict limits on complaints that warrant recommendations would unduly restrict patient access to the drug [8]. There are several barriers to doctors prescribing marijuana for medical purposes. Although it remains illegal under federal law and is classified as a Schedule 1 drug under the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) [7], 23 states and the District of Columbia have decriminalized its use for medical purposes [8]. Discrepancies between state and state medical marijuana laws have put doctors – and patients – in a difficult position: to provide their patients with medical marijuana, doctors must risk breaking federal laws and potentially revoking their Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) licenses [3]. For example, physicians in Massachusetts have been extremely slow to write recommendations for patients [9]. This delay is fueled in part by visits by DEA agents to doctors who have been involved in pharmacies. Several of these doctors reported that the DEA gave them an ultimatum: sever ties with the medical marijuana industry or risk losing your DEA license to prescribe controlled substances.[10] Provide a basic medical history and make an appointment with a licensed marijuana doctor. The $199 fee includes your consultation fee, physician co-payment and medical evaluation for your referral. Stories like Charlotte`s successful treatment and Dr.

Gupta`s change of mind helped change doctors` minds – about medical marijuana. A study published by WebMD in April 2014 surveyed 1,544 physicians in 12 specialties and 48 states [23] and found that 56% of respondents believed medical marijuana should be legalized nationwide and 69% believe it can provide real benefits for certain treatments and conditions. The majority of positive responses came from oncologists and hematologists, likely due to the use of marijuana in the treatment of cancer-related pain, the fight against nausea, and the appetite stimulation reduced by chemotherapy [23].

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