What Is the Legal Age Uk Quiz

Editor`s Note An updated version of Carrie Bray`s quiz of the same name (see below). This version contains updated information and detailed responses with a brief explanation of the law in some cases. 10. The Bastardy Act of 1575 forced all women with illegitimate children to do what? What do you do with a stranded whale that has the power to repel an alien invasion of Britain? Take this quiz to find out and scroll down to get the answers. 4. In 1888, the local authorities of Middlesex decided that cyclists had to get off and under what circumstances? You can view a scrolling timeline that shows what you can do at any age, or you can select a category button under 1. Judges are legally able to use “reasonable force” to repel a foreign invasion of the UK, as long as foreigners: 5. Why is it illegal to impersonate a Chelsea retiree? You can usually get a job from the age of 14, as long as it`s “light work.” There are rules about what tasks you can perform, how many hours you can work, and what time you can work. For more information, please visit our Youth Employment page. 8.

Since 1313, it has been forbidden for MPs to wear clothes in parliament? This section deals with the age at which you can do certain things in England. At what age can you buy alcohol, drive a car or get pierced? The answer to these and many other questions can be found in this section. Do you know what words we no longer use? Take our quiz to find out. 9. Until the Marriage (Scotland) Act came into force in 1939, could a man be legally obliged to marry a woman if that happened? So how good is your strange knowledge of global law? Find out now with our 2-minute quiz! Find out how well you`ve done and what these strange British laws really are. 6. In 1697, a British court ruled on the question of the discipline of servants. What was a master authorized to use in this judgment to make corrections? It`s great as a warm-up activity or a little fun at the end of the semester.

It is suitable for a mixed group of arithmetic learners or for reading or ESOL learners. This quiz tests learners` knowledge of how old a person must be to do certain things legally, such as being a blood donor. It can be used both in small groups or pairs (which worked well for me) and individually. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child says this age is too low! In fact, you are entitled to advice at school! Each site has its own rules, you can open your own Instagram account at 13. In Northern Ireland, the law says you can be held criminally liable at the age of 10. Today, of course, it is likely that he will punish someone with a stick by hitting them with a stick. The Chelsea pensioner has been a national treasure since the reign of King James II. Retired from the Royal Hospital in Chelsea, these former soldiers are easily recognizable by their red military uniforms.

At the time the Chelsea and Kilmainham Hospital Act of 1826 was passed, his outfits made him easy prey for pension thieves. One. Don`t you have a permit to invade b. Have not received Royal Summons v. Are radioactive d. Refusing to comply with traffic laws. Find out about the UK`s most unusual laws to find out if you need to surrender. There are hundreds of thousands of strange laws in the world – some you may have heard are true, and others are actually urban myths. If your 16th birthday is between July 2 and August 31, you will need to complete another school year before you can leave school.

a. Jeremy Paxman b. Daniel Radcliffe v. Robbie Williams d. Victoria Beckham This Act falls under section 9 of the Outer Space Act 1986. The law also prohibits ordinary citizens from launching a “space object” and engaging in activities on the moon or other celestial bodies. And refresh your bizarre legal knowledge with our popular blog post: a. A horse whip b. A mass c. A slipper d. A belt band In fact, you can get a job at the age of 13, but there are some limits; Women convicted of severe reprimands were forced to wear a bridle – a metal cage that enclosed the entire head.

The good news for women with big mouths is that no prosecution was brought for a long time before the crime was finally abolished by the Criminal Law Act 1967. You can leave school at the end of the school year at the age of 16. That`s right! You cannot get tattooed until you are 18 years old, even if your parents/guardians say so. One. Say no to the children and cut them around ear b. Causing a nuisance with offensive or argumentative language c. Cause a nuisance with boiling water d. Follow men and demand money If you are held “criminally responsible”, you could be charged by the court with committing a crime.

How faith and a little altruism led us to have Saturday and Sunday off. If you are 17 years old, you may have a driver`s license to drive. If you are 16 years old, you can have a driver`s license to drive a moped. Answer: b. Cause yourself a nuisance with offensive or argumentative language 2. Which of the following people, as Prime Minister, would not be able to discuss the appointment of the Archbishop of Canterbury? That`s right! You can open your own bank account at the age of 7. Interactive and customizable PowerPoint presentations; Word and PDF resources useful for group tutorials; Assemblies; Citizenship and special days. Created by experienced teachers in: Learning Disabilities / SEN Entry Level Provide postgraduate/graduate qualifications in History of Citizenship; Politics; Law; Answer: d. Name the father so he can be forced to marry or go to jail.

Image of a girl with a question mark from Shutterstock. 7. In Great Britain, the oath was banned in 1585. What did it mean that women couldn`t do more? One. The person who found it b. The King v. The Prime Minister d. The Queen Whale Tails, the archbishops and pensioners of Chelsea – Britain is full of strange laws. Answer: c.

When a carriage approaches you. He asked her to marry him. He had sex with her v. He had seen her naked. He hit her at the bottom with a riding grain. Cut off her ring finger so everyone knows she had an illegitimate child. Name the father so he can be beaten with sticks. Name the father so he can be beaten with rolling pins. Name the father so he can be forced to marry or go to jail. To ensure the quality of our reviews, only customers who have purchased this resource can give them a score of 3.

If a whale is caught in British coastal waters, who can claim ownership of the tail? In fact, you can buy your own pet at the age of 12!. Nowadays, sexual intercourse between two people does not make them a man and a woman. Whatever that means, make sure it`s safe by using condoms to reduce the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and pregnancy. This law came into force just a few years after the big launch of bicycles. The resulting clashes between pedal-mad Victorians and cars meant something had to be done. The law was intended to ensure that debates could take place without loud clapping by participants. The general noise that accompanies parliamentary sessions is perhaps the biggest annoyance now, but you can always make your voice heard by contacting your MEP. Report this resource to let us know if it violates our Terms and Conditions. Our customer service team will review your report and contact you. Answer: a. To prevent scammers from stealing their pensions If your partner is 16 or 17, they also need the consent of their parents or guardians. When you turn 16, you can usually leave the house without the consent of your parents or another person with parental responsibility.

If there is an order stating who you should live with, it usually ends when you turn 18. Fortunately, this law is now repealed and having illegitimate children is no longer the same stigma as before. Instead of facing prison or forced marriage, biological fathers have rights and duties. Hacking, earth-saving viruses and enhanced images – these are Hollywood`s most epic technological failures. One. To prevent fraudsters from stealing their pensions b. To prevent scammers from stealing their huge displays of breast pocket medals, c. To keep the Chelsea pensioner real. Because these older former footballers deserve our respect, the status known as Prerogativa Regis dates back to the 14th century.

It states that when a whale or sturgeon is caught in the seas “on the coast”, the head belongs to the king, while the queen has bagged the whalebone at the end of the tail – so that she can use the bones for her corset. Today, in practice, all strandings must be reported to the Natural History Museum. One. A Gimpsuit b. A Bear Costume v. Eine Rüstung d. A striped suit has. Faced with an angry beggar, b. When the deer strayed into the street c. When a carriage approaches, that is, When it rains after dark. Under the Jewish Relief Act of 1858, Daniel (alias Harry Potter), if he became Prime Minister, would not be able to give advice on the appointment of ecclesiastical posts in churches in England, Ireland or Scotland because he was Jewish. By the way, this law was passed when Benjamin Disraeli, Britain`s first Jewish prime minister, was Chancellor of the Exchequer.

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