Remember that your letterheads are used to write to customers and suppliers, so there is additional information we recommend, including: First, don`t panic! These requirements vary depending on the type of business you run, they are all quite simple and can easily be summarized in a quick list to refer to when designing. Now that you`re on top of the legal issues, letterheads offer you a great opportunity to strengthen your brand and show your audience that you`re both meticulous and professional! Use them, email them, show them! Other requirements for stationery and other documents exist in certain cases and for certain types of companies: companies are legally required to include certain information in business letters and other business documents and correspondence. Full details are set out in The Company, Limited Liability Partnership and Business (Names and Trading Disclosures) Regulations 2015. In this article, we will look at the requirements that apply to most UK businesses. Fortunately, the requirements are simple. However, they vary depending on the type of business operations. Minimum legal information on your letterhead: We can all get carried away when we think about designing new business stationery, but there are some important legal requirements you need to be aware of when designing letterheads for UK businesses. Failure to comply with any of the above requirements may result in a fine. For e-mail correspondence, if the stationery equivalent is entered by stationery requirements, the e-mail is also intercepted. Most companies display the required information in the footer of the email, which is automatically added when sent, or require all employees to use a consistent email footer that includes these requirements. We`re sure that if you`re considering designing your letterhead, you`ll have a good idea of what you want it to look like. However, there are also legal requirements for letterheads that must be met, such as certain information that must be included in the design. If you`re looking for a new batch of letterheads, it`s easy to choose a high-quality paper material that complements the feel of your business letter or create a sleek design that will delight recipients.
What people don`t always know is that you also need to meet certain legal requirements to send your letter in the first place. When designing your letterhead and business order form, you might be forgiven for focusing solely on the design and quality of the printed paper. If you are registered as a sole proprietor, you can operate under your own name or choose another company name. If you choose a business name that is not your own name, you must include your own name and business address on all letterheads and purchase orders. For more information about your printing needs, contact us today or request a quote. Legal requirements for letterheads are an important part of designing with laws that must be met. We`ve put together a checklist of laws that can affect your artwork and help you avoid reprints and extended studio periods. If you need help designing your company`s letterheads or stationery, contact us for a free printing and/or design quote.
There are other requirements for company letterhead, order forms, and websites. In addition to the registered company name, the following information must also be provided: Once you have a list of what needs to be on your letterhead and a drawing, talk to your print shop about the quality of the paper you want to print on. The quality and inventory of the paper used to print your letterheads can leave a lasting impression on your business, so don`t sacrifice quality for price. Check out our paper weight guide to understand which weight paper is made on some of the most common printing products. Letter headers can also be printed on luxury paper, we have a wide choice. According to the government`s Running A Limited Company website, all printed letterheads, company documents and note papers must include the name of the company. While this is relatively simple, there are other requirements that need to be met. Printed invoices have a broader set of rules. We have indicated them on the invoice printing page, which contains information on how we print invoices and NCR packages, as well as legal requirements for invoices and information required by law.
For more information, see the link below. These laws also apply to digital invoices. If you are a sole proprietor operating under a corporate name and not under your own name, you must ensure that your name and business address appear on all letterheads and order forms. However, your company`s letterhead and purchase order must meet several legal letterhead requirements. If you don`t implement them, hard work and vital money are wasted. If your company is acting as a limited liability company, the letterhead and purchase order letterhead (printed or electronic) must contain the following: Most letterheads also include a phone and fax number, a URL for the company`s website, and an email address. If you operate as a limited liability company, your letterhead should include the following: When starting a new business or growing a business, it`s easy to get carried away with the design appearance of your company`s stationery and not be aware of some legal requirements. Here is the information that the Companies Act requires to be legally included on all company letterheads: For more information on the legal requirements for letterheads, visit the government website at the link above or call the team on 01270 625207. We will do our best to help you. This is particularly true for certain sectors, such as financial services, where firms are required to declare that they are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and, in some cases, the Prudential Regulation Authority. The company`s regulatory or business authority will be a good source of information on legal requirements and industry-specific best practices.
If you are a partnership company, your letterheads, purchase orders, receipts, and even invoices should include the names of all partners and the address of the head office.